Vox Hunt: Tagged

Graffiti, please.

Hemo Grafitti side
Hemo Grafitti front

Here's some graffiti I photographed just a couple blocks from my house. It's on the hemo dialysis building across the street from Amoeba Records. This is where I saw the Haight Street Parking Argument happen.

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Best of Thai Noodle

Best of Thai Noodle
Inside Best of Thai Noodle
Inside Best of Thai Noodle
Inside Best of Thai Noodle

Alex and I discovered Best of Thai Noodle (map, reviews) right down the street from my flat. I've lived three blocks away for four years and I never went in.  I'm glad I finally did. The soups are really yummy and they're all six or seven bucks. In fact, I think everything on their menu is six or seven bucks.

We usually get the won ton soup and the duck soup (yeah, together, two soups. So what? they're Suuuuper yummy! )

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Saturday Morning Hemo Grafitti

HP and I were out walking on an early Saturday morning a couple weeks ago. We came upon these guys decorating the RAI Hemodialysis building on Haight Street across from Amoeba Records (right where Haight Street Parking Argument happened).


And here it is all finished. HP is in the pics so you have a sense of scale.

And here's the side of the building:

…and before you get all preachy on me about glorifying grafitti, I should make two important points:

1. This was legal art done with permission.

2.  It's my blog and I'll write whatever the hell I want.

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Haight Street Tibetan Dress

I saw this lady by my house. I told her I liked her dress and asked her if it was a type of kimono.  She said it is a traditional Tibetan dress.  So, is this what you see in the shops in Tibet?

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Something wicked this way comes?

I was late getting up for work this morning. I didn't have time to make breakfast so I ate the leftover Chinese takeout from last night.  There was a fortune cookie. I shrugged, said to myself why not?  and ate the cookie. The fortune said Remember: every day begins in darkness. Do not overvalue the light.

I went downstairs, out my door and walked the twenty feet to Haight Street.  It was that weird time in the morning where the sun is out but hasn't quite yet burned through the SF fog, so it's still sort of an in-between, misty, twilight-like light and color, the same eerie lighting you see during an eclipse.  It was street-sweeping day so no cars were parked on Haight Street.  There was very little foot traffic in either direction, and no cars driving for many blocks. Silent. Weird lighting. No people. No cars. (where the hell is Rod Serling hiding?)

Seeing how late it was, I flagged down a taxi way down by Masonic (who, because the street was so empty, could clearly see me four blocks down Haight).  The driver was an interesting hippie who drove while talking animatedly, dropping Pink Floyd references and swearing frequently.  (I always feel awkward talking to Taxi drivers—the conversation is like the kind you have at your drug dealer's house: it's a necessary social obligation and can be quite pleasant but you ain't there for the fucking conversation).  Aaaanyways, driving in the Taxi, downtown in the shit part of Nob Hill by the police station where all the crack heads and hobos dwell, the taxi slowly turns around a corner when BLAM!  a pigeon SLAMS into the window RIGHT NEXT TO MY FACE.  Not the windshield, not the front window, not the other side window, not the drivers window and not the rear window, but MY window and RIGHT WHERE MY FACE WAS.  And this pigeon hit the window so hard I would be surprised if it lived.   The taxi driver said in all his years of driving he's never seen that even once.

Work has been OK so far today, no surprises, <knock knock knock on my desk>.  Even so, since the world has gone all queer on me, I just walked over to the convenience store in Rincon Center and bought a Quick Pix lotto ticket.

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Haight Street Gay Guy

I was walking home with HP and he pointed out this dude on the corner was gayer than both of us put together.  Without video you don't have the benefit of hearing him or seeing him so you'll just have to trust us. This dude was fabulous.  

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Haight Street Parking Argument

I was on my morning walk with HP and this happened right in front of us, right outside Amoeba Records.  

NOTE: in case it ain't clear, the cracker is saving a parking space for his hobo friend who is almost there (probably for their live-in van); this black dude wants the spot for his truck, but the hobo cracker won't move.  The clip starts right after the black dude jumps out of his car because the cracker won't move.

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